Orientation leaders in front of gold Emory sign

Types of Financial Aid

Financial aid packages for students with a demonstrated financial need may include a combination of grants, scholarships, and student employment. Merit scholarships may also be available through your chosen Emory program, a school partner, or an external program.

Grants & Scholarships

Grants and scholarships are funding sources that do not need to be repaid. These amounts can be determined based on demonstrated need or academic merit. Not all sources of aid are available for second degree studies.

Grants and Scholarships

Student Employment

Student employment positions provide valuable work experience and help you to help cover your educational costs.

Student Employment


Student loans are funds borrowed to help pay for university tuition, books, and living expenses.


International Students

Emory offers need-based aid to a select number of international students each year.

International Students

Veterans Education Benefits

We are honored to support our students who have and are serving in the US Armed Forces. At Emory, Veterans Education benefits are administered through the Office of the University Registrar.

Veterans Education Benefits

Medical Imaging

Emory's Medical Imaging Program offers a bachelor of medical science degree, which can help graduates advance more rapidly within the profession.

Medical Imaging