Electronic Submission Instructions
Please read the following instructions carefully regarding next steps required for your electronic signature.
• After submitting your electronic form, an email will be sent to the individual(s) and email address(es) you provided on the form. (Please share these instructions with your parent/spouse if you listed them on the form.) This email will be sent from “Emory University via DocuSign” and will include the subject “Please DocuSign” along with the name of the form to be signed.
• Please follow the instructions within the email to provide your electronic signature. The form is not considered complete until all required signatures have been received.
• If you do not receive this email within two business days, please contact the Office of Financial Aid for assistance.
• Supporting documentation may be submitted via US mail, email, or fax. Please do not submit image files or photographs of documentation. In an effort to safeguard your personal information, the office prefers that documents be submitted via fax to 404.727.6709.
If you have questions about any of these forms or the status of your electronic signature request, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.